Interview with Monica Matoc

Interview with Sibomana Nzaramba


Janelle Saffin

janelle saffin"I am thankful that we have so many wonderful new arrivals, strangers, but now friends, who come to the Northern Rivers. I am also thankful that we have so many compassionate people in our community who give sanctuary and solace to those when they most need it."
Janelle Saffin


Saturday 25th July 2015

4pm start

with an African flavour afternoon tea at Lismore Presbyterian Church

Concluding approx 6pm.

Donation to defray costs and for the work of Sanctuary Northern Rivers


Lismore Presbyterian Church
188 Keen St Lismore



Bishop Cameron VenablesBishop Cameron Venables is our keynote speaker. Bishop Cameron was instrumental in the formation of Sanctuary Northern Rivers in 2003, whilst a minister at the Anglican Church in Lismore. Cameron has continued his involvement with resettlement in Queensland where he served as rector of All Saints Rockhampton for several years.

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In recent years, many people who were once refugees have resettled in our region. For Lismore this has been a wonderful good news story. Not only have people found a place of safety, but this community has been greatly enriched. "Once Strangers Now Friends" is an opportunity to be thankful for the wonderful bonds of friendship that have been formed. Please join the thanks on Sat 25th July. An initiative of Lismore Ministers' Fellowship.